Shenyuan coughed a few words.
This dry state saint seems very good …
"There are three flower-heart-eating soul-eating large arrays … and each one has one …" Shen Yuan said, "It is possible that you will encounter the Godsworn who has just stepped into the building base if they struggle in reality."
"But there are all kinds of restrictions in the large array … relatively speaking, it will not be so difficult."
"And even if you don’t capture these three flower gods, you can release many unique elixirs of Tianxiang Valley …"
With the introduction of Shen Yuan, Wang Mu also came to Tianxiang Valley
The valley is indeed full of flowers, and all kinds of precious elixirs are looming, and some of them are elves, running or flying through it.
Although this place is not a clan, it is also a special force in Ganzhou.
After crossing several spiritual fields, an antique large courtyard appeared in front of us, and many monks gathered here.
There are even a few familiar figures of Wang Mu.
For example, during the Magpie Bridge pageant, there was a battle to burn the sky, watch the inflammation, be too mysterious, and worship Ye Ge, etc …
They are all famous young people in Ganzhou.
The former potential list is second only to Wang Mu.
And …
"That Hu Yuer is here …"
Wang Mu accidentally said, "This woman is entangled with the net sea of the great Tibetan Buddhism. I heard that a while ago, she also made a special trip to the great Tibetan Buddhism to find someone else. As a result, the net sea was banned by the great Tibetan Buddhism …"
This news was brought back from the wild by my fellow brother.
Rare people in Lingzhou
I also have several monks who were also on the potential list of the Magpie Bridge event.
Of course, it’s more his strange faces, most of which are dry-continent monks, not many of them.
Zhujiajian friar, then there is no more or less.
There are still quite a few people in all.
This kind of special adventure is not necessarily known to the monks outside. If you are not interested in this aspect, you may not know it without special attention.
Yuan Ying’s breakthrough in deification is rare, but dry continent is not a very rare thing.
There is a breakthrough in Du Jie’s immortality, which is a sensation in one continent and a big event in the whole nine continents.
Plus, Tianxiang Valley is closed all the year round, and only once every few years will a valley sell some elixirs to the outside world, and relatively few people know about it.
Generally, there are special invitations. Without special invitations, there are very few people who can inquire about this.
Most of the people who can come here are elites of various origins.
"Brother Wang!"
Generally, I also saw Wang Mu’s inflammatory heart. Several people immediately said hello to Wang Mu as soon as their eyes lit up.
Williams Brown
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