Two days ago, twenty source stones were nothing to him, and the mine deal alone started with fifty source stones.
But that was two days ago.
Now …
"why?" Chief face a heavy.
"Can’t you get it?"
"Or don’t want to take it?"
With one hand, he pressed the handle by the waist, and a sense of coldness emerged.
"Don’t, don’t!" Angie nasty back way
"Can you give me a few days’ grace? I’ll … I’ll raise money. When I have enough money, I’ll hand it over to you immediately. I mean it."
"Ah …" Chief eyes pan disdain.
"Can you take it out in two days today?"
"I can really take out my … I’m a famous Liuren Hall. If you don’t believe me, you can inquire." Angji said urgently.
"Really?" The leader’s expression was cold before he stepped forward.
"Wait a minute!" Angie’s forehead was sweating, and his hands were raised and he looked at Zhou Jiasuo’s tree house
"Brother Zhou, help!"
"Where’s your money?" Zhoujiayu
"This just how long …"
"Save the first aid" Angie trotted over and his yellow hair turned into a lock of hot sweat because of nervousness.
He bit a mouthful of rotten teeth low track
"Aren’t you always curious about me to lure monster medicine? You help me pay for it and I’ll … I’ll tell you how to refine it."
Zhou Jia shook his head.
"Your medicine needs special blood to have me. It’s also a decoration."
"Not endless is" Angie a face of anxiety.
"Without me, the blood medicine will be weakened, not finished, and my prescription is definitely worth more than 20 source stones."
"Well …" Zhou Jia thoughtfully.
If the previous 20 source stones were a big number for him, it’s really nothing to be different now.
"Well," Zhou Jia sighed lightly toward the guard’s mouth over there.
"He gave me the stone."
"It’s not just him." The chief shook his head gently.
"And you!"
"Of course," Zhou Jia took out his purse and asked casually.
"Does everyone have to take it?"
"Where are the city people?"
"This is what you should be thinking, isn’t it?"
A cold voice on the other side
Zhou Jia hangs his head
Look at the sample city, even if you take it, it won’t be so much.
Twenty source stones can be taken out of the outer city at this time, even less than half. Their real purpose should be food.
But …
How can we survive this cold month without food?
When I came, all kinds of wailing, crying, grief and indignation came from all directions, and from time to time, I screamed and denounced the whole outer city. It seemed that this short moment was in chaos.
Zhou Jia closed the door and came out of sight.
The news of Heilian is timely.
Also have the answer.
Williams Brown
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