Too fast, the root didn’t escape. Maybe the golden thunder instantly penetrated the jade swan’s body and the light shone for a while before it came.
Toad closed his eyes with the jade swan leg. Xu Le’s move was a bit outrageous.
If there is no aim, it has a high probability of being caught together for a second.
The energy gradually dissipated, and toad slowly opened his eyes.
"Damn Xu Le, what’s the matter with you?"
It looked at his hands holding two legs and couldn’t help cursing.
Xu Le scratched his head and walked towards toad.
After the jade swan was hit by golden magnetic bombardment, its body was gone, but it was completely gone.
Its body has been erased by the impact of magnetic gun energy, leaving a pair of goose legs and a goose head.
"There are at least goose heads and legs to eat, aren’t there?" Xu Le Tantanshou
"Can you burn?"
"I won’t, but someone will."
"That’s all right."
Finally, the fighting ended. Alley and Xia Libo came from the periphery.
They had already finished fighting, but they didn’t come to support because of Xu Le’s instructions.
Now they probably understand what’s going on. Xu Le has been promoted to LV3 and has shown the angel form.
Although they don’t know what red crescent warlocks can turn into angels, isn’t it normal that every warlock has his own secrets?
When Xu Le saw Alley running towards him, he immediately reached out his hands and wanted to hug the dog.
But the dog still didn’t appreciate it. He reached out and slapped Xu Le and praised him.
"Congratulations on finally becoming a level 3 warlock."
So what if Xu Le becomes a level 3 warlock? It’s not without extra rewards
He pointed to the jade swan goose head.
"Spicy goose head should be no problem tonight? This goose head is big enough for us to eat. "
"Of course no problem."
Ellie seemed to be in a good mood, too, but she saw that toad was holding a goose leg in his hand, and the goose leg was bigger, but toad took a step back without showing his inquiring eyes.
"What do you see? This is me. "
Alley corners of the mouth take a smoke and then nodded his head.
"I know, I know."
Xu Le glanced around to take Rona back to Yamaraja when she suddenly found that someone was missing.
"Hey, where’s Brother Shu?"
They shook their heads slightly and said they didn’t see Wang Shu.
At the same time, Wang Shu has chased the mucus ancient sound to the periphery of the light soap factory.
Then he saw a scene that shocked him.
Sticky, weird and cunning, even if he didn’t catch the red evil spirit+frost, he was about to escape from the control circle of the light soap factory and rush to the residential area
A fireball fell from the sky and instantly exploded and dissolved this thing, leaving not even a slag.
This slippery and weird guy was actually killed by someone!
"The scope of this battle is controlled. Is the light soap factory a Zion high-rise?"
After Wang Shu stepped back a few steps, he couldn’t detect the other party. For safety reasons, he still chose to go back and inform Xu Le about it.
At the core of the furnace, there are six pieces of yellow soap in front of Yamaraja.
Williams Brown
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