At the same time, it can also send some signals to stimulate some kinds of biological thinking, including cell organisms, which will make organisms feel strongly annoyed with all living things around them and finally try to kill the target
To put it simply, if Lin synthesized it with a group of people around him, they might kill each other.
The third creature was just synthesized by Lin … It blew itself up as soon as it came out.
These things are very strange. Lin still has a second one and has carefully investigated it.
Its brain has memories when it is synthesized, and its natural character is mainly … killing.
It likes to torture other creatures in various ways and die in pain, which reminds Lin of pain
To synthesize them, the bus organs are not part of the neural structure, but after synthesis, they generate themselves … some nerves have their own personality and so on.
While make these creatures, Lin also try to make several other creatures.
Now Lin has synthesized the fourth creature.
Linlin Star Bus carries out synthesis … The synthesis process is still quite simple, that is, sending organs and sending materials together.
Synthetic instantaneous an object with a size of more than one hundred meters appeared in front of Lin’s eyes.
It is shaped like a tree trunk.
This thing didn’t move at the moment when it appeared. At this time, Lin also let a large number of micro-arms enter other departments for testing
Lynn found … this seems unconscious.
Although its body structure can keep it running like a creature, it doesn’t have some neural structure and consciousness like the previous ones.
In fact, everything synthesized from these special data is similar to a complete biological department. The structure is … alive. Of course, the bus biological fragments are also alive, and after combining them, they continue to operate in a new way.
Simply put, it’s like breaking down a cellular biological foot and assembling these cells into intestines before they die.
Generally speaking, it is impossible to combine the original body tissues into new ones in this way.
But the combination of data in the’ design drawing’ will immediately adapt to this new form.
But what is pieced together according to the settings in the data is a conscious thing.
But at that moment, the first three immediately grew some neural structures and became conscious.
And from the fourth … there seems to be no more.
Lynn synthesized the fourth, the fifth and the sixth … These are unconscious.
It seems that only the first three are strange.
In that case, let’s just … leave them alone.
In addition, Lin also makes the whole weapon, and all the structures are of course synthesized here by the star bus.
Because all the materials are enough, they can be synthesized in a short time.
….. then another place.
"No, you can’t … just decide not to go!"
Here is some
There is also a small star and many islands of different sizes floating around it.
Just an island covered with green grass, Maya, the brain worm, is constantly rolling on the ground
It flattened the grass one after another, and at the same time it kept saying some words.
Williams Brown
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