It said … that I should continue to fight, and that I should be the commander of this divided small group to lead them in the fight.
If you want to fight again until the last moment, you can usher in real peace, and then you can live a life away from fighting forever.
At this moment, I saw myself’ in the future’ lying in a comfortable soft bed, enjoying delicious food and watching those descendants play and chase each other …
This is that future I want!
I want to fight … because of new reasons, I want that future and I want to live that peaceful life!
So I’m going to kill all those who dare to stand in front of me … That’s what I thought at that time. This emotion is quite strong and I don’t have any doubts.
So I became a commander and directed our group to attack other groups, killing them all and connecting the surrenders, just like before.
That thing in my head … has been helping me tell me what I should do, how to allocate equipment and who should be the adjutant, and also told me not to communicate with recruits without orders.
I did it … Speaking of which, I didn’t doubt at that time … where did our equipment come from?
I went through several battles again and climbed the peak from a weak group step by step.
But this time, I feel that I am getting stronger and stronger, because I have a definite goal without the previous confusion.
In pursuit of this goal, I will kill almost all my peers who used to be companions or not.
I became the commander of a huge group, and I once again saw the scene of peace without rivals, and I know that it didn’t last long.
This time, I know that the disappearing commander will be replaced by me. After I disappear, the group I lead should be as contentious as before.
Because I choose aides who are loyal to me, but they are very poor to each other.
They’re going through another battle, but I don’t care. I don’t care about them
I will welcome a peaceful future without war …
At that time, I felt that the surrounding scenery changed instantly, and then it appeared in front of me, not the familiar rocky wasteland, but a narrow one
The ground is made of metal, and the walls on both sides are covered with complex and dense mechanical structures.
I have never seen such a place, but I am not surprised, and I can name many things.
I wandered around this place full of mechanical structures, and I found it quite huge, but there was nothing I had seen in the "future scene".
All this is special, but I don’t care at all. I want to know where in the future I have been fighting for so long. And where is this?
When I thought so, it came to meet me.
That’s the thing I’ve been talking to in my head. It represents this place, but it doesn’t mean that it’s the ruler here, but …
It is here.
This huge mechanical environment has a’ will’, which has told me many things.
It says it made us fight like this, it has always controlled our war, and it deliberately manipulated the war, which will never end.
Even if it ends unexpectedly, it will make the war happen again
I asked it what, and it didn’t tell me the reason.
It said it would bring the group commanders who won the war here, just like I am now.
Can these commanders get out of the war?
It says … can be temporarily detached.
Then it lifted me up and put me in a small room.
This is made of metal, and like other places, there is no soft bed and no chasing. Although future generations will eat food regularly, it tastes terrible.
This is different from what I saw at that time …
I don’t know … what to do.
But I didn’t kill myself, but I just lived.
It also tells me more things, tells me more things about it.
This will makes me feel like a’ god’. It has been controlling us and watching our pain.
But then I found out that it was not a god, but something we made.
This whole mechanical environment, our combat equipment and everything … are all made by ourselves.
This incident shocked me, but it didn’t shock me, because it went on to say, we are going to fight.
My battle is not over yet, but this time I won’t fight with the same kind. I want the fighting object to be displayed in the three-dimensional picture in front of my eyes
It’s a fluffy white ball, flying outside and killing my companion.
I didn’t have a chance to ask what it was, and I will step on the battlefield.
Can you live this time?
Chapter one hundred and twenty-six Attack
"Yes, that’s it … we can make them have thinking ability, and this will make them conscious!"
"But won’t it be a problem?"
"No problem, in the final analysis, it is to make them better for us."
I have heard that many writers try to inject’ consciousness’ into their own creations to make them better themselves.
I don’t care what other creatures think. If I can go back in time, I must kill the guy who thinks so.
Because of their wrong decision, our whole population has become a slave of its own making, and it has been fighting constantly, and it has not told us what it is.
Now I have to fight for it …
And I did. I wore it as it said, equipped me, manipulated it, gave me tools for war, and rushed into a new battlefield when the door was open.
I didn’t do it to make it work, but to live, just like my original purpose.
Williams Brown
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