The two brothers have been fighting each other all the time, and there are endless ways to do it.
It’s not good to see wild rattan Zongxiong standing in front of Muhai andao.
This old adversary’s coming is a great obstacle to his good deeds.
As soon as the guard leader saw an embarrassed smile at Noda Zongying, he walked aside.
He can’t meddle in other people’s family affairs, nor dare he.
"Ma Geba yelled at the old man who you are!"
Muhai looks like wild rattan Zongying. There is no difference. You can be as arrogant as you want
"Xiao, do you want to fight with me?" Wild rattan Zongxiong clenched his fist and looked at Muhai angrily.
"Ha ha, you weak chicken are still afraid of you!"
Muhai didn’t let the wild rattan Zongxiong tick his finger there.
"You have seed!"
There is no surprise at Muhai’s appearance.
But if you bathe in the sea for a second, you’ll be frightened out of my wits
Although Noda Zongying is a genius, he is still a lot worse than Noda Zongxiong.
However, every time Fujitsu Zongying fights with Fujitsu Zongxiong, Fujitsu Zongying can’t beat him, but he will be quick-tongued.
"Look at the trick!"
Wild rattan Zongxiong breath a straight jumped at MuHai watched will hit MuHai face.
To Nobuo Zongxiong’s surprise, Muhai didn’t move his roots, so there would be no shit.
Did he break through?
Wild rattan Zongxiong a surprised hand fist secretly speed up a few minutes.
"This …"
Wild rattan Zongxiong was surprised to see a face of panic in front of him.
Did he find that he had such great strength when he was struggling?
Muhai grabbed Zongxiong’s arm with one hand and slapped him with the other.
This slap made wild rattan Zongxiong dizzy and the whole head roared.
"I have endured you for many years, and now I can finally get revenge."
Muhai said his right hand took it again.
"snapped …"
The sound is crisp than pleasant.
Wild rattan Zongxiong was beaten dizzy just awake and slapped.
Both sides of the face soon became red and swollen, and the whole face became purple and ugly.
"Ah …"
After being released, Mundo Zongxiong couldn’t help yelling, "You dare to hit me!"
Say that finish wild rattan Zongxiong took out a dagger to mobilize reiki and then plugged in to Muhai.
Muhai saw that the dagger was coming in no hurry or slow, so he grabbed the right hand of Zongxiong Noda and stabbed it forward and inserted it into his right leg.
"Boh …"
Nodo Zongxiong’s aura protector instantly shattered the dagger and directly sank into his right leg.
"Ah …"
A piercing scream made heaven and earth tremble.
Wild rattan Zongxiong fell to the ground with a dagger in his hand and sweat rolling down his face.
The guard man’s eyes were full of surprise and horror when he saw this scene.
In his opinion, Nobuo Zongxiong’s move must be that Muhai was stabbed.
I didn’t expect Muhai to stab the wild rattan Zongxiong to the ground with a backhand, and his sharp means made him feel scared.
"If you dare to kill me, I’ll tell grandpa about it."
Williams Brown
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