NiuYao salute without hesitation back to the door.
"Sister, your strategy is half the battle! Now I’m going to leave that Zhao cuo to stop Yan Nanfu. "
Prince Zuo of the demon race has converged his face, smiled and lost the frivolous color in his eyes. This slight change shows that his counterpart pays attention to it.
The light footsteps rang, and a silver-haired woman dressed in a long yellow dress woven by Terran silks and satins came out and shone into the room. The sun seemed to gather around her.
What color is the sun? I’m afraid everyone who has seen her will think that the sun, the moon and the moon are not as dazzling as her beautiful eyes, which are bluer and clearer than the sky, and her shallow eyebrows are like willow branches, and her whole face is as beautiful as a brush, and it’s hard to find anything unsatisfactory.
You’re still as good as you were two years ago.’
Zhao wrong this will be so sigh.
After all, if you want to find fault with her perfection, it seems that you can see it at a glance from the delicate figure of her flesh and blood.
The pale yellow dress outlines her beautiful figure curve in great detail, just as the place where the skirt meets the collar can’t be said to be ordinary, but it is Xiao He who shows her sharp corners.
"Brother, it’s time to go back to the frozen river. It’s a secret that you come to Beijing and you can’t stay long."
"Luan Pinellia said slowly.
When she speaks, there is not much emotion in her beautiful blue eyes, but the soft arc at the corner of her eyes also makes people feel elegant and offensive.
Prince Zuo nodded without any objection. Although he is the eldest brother, he acted as the only one who followed princess royal’s lead and did everything he was told.
"Sister, I’m not afraid of what will happen when I go into this Beijing with the king’s account. When shall we leave?"
He asked tone said
"Leave now"
Xia Yaonv’s voice is very clear
"It’s necessary to be in such a hurry … I’ll leave with an explanation."
Prince Zuo accepted it although he didn’t understand it.
"Luan Pinellia ternata light should way
She walked slowly to the front of the chair without saying much, took out a mat and took the seat.
Princess royal Temple sat in a polite manner. It was very quiet and took out a book and flipped through it.
"Sister, we have negotiated here with Han Wang, and then we have to deal with that Zhao Cuo."
Prince Zuo quickly turned back to the house.
Xia Yaonv didn’t react when she heard his words, and Diane screwed up her eyebrow in a conditioned reflex.
After she recovered, her eyes turned to the front with a cool look at the Terran ancient books in her hands.
"Brother, you can decide that you don’t have to ask me about this conscription on the orders of Big Brother."
"Luan Pinellia seems gentle and said
"Well …"
Prince Zuo squinted thoughtfully and bowed his head.
"Sister married the wrong wife Zhao two years ago and his hand suffered a big loss. What kind of person is he? As the saying goes, knowing ourselves and knowing ourselves is invincible. "
Williams Brown
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolor, alias aspernatur quam voluptates sint, dolore doloribus voluptas labore temporibus earum eveniet, reiciendis.
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