Tang Chuan got up and wandered around area B, seemingly choosing gambling tools.
United and Lopez and others followed him slowly.
Tang Chuan heard a meat bump, looked back and narrowed his eyes.
See conjoined Gherardini twist your ass that hand way "you don’t cry later ~"
However, Lopez raised her hand and rubbed her nose with a smile. "It’s just a matter of collecting some chips before. I’ll give it back to you. Don’t cry later."
This is already a dead man in Tang Chuan’s eyes.
He turned to look at Lopez. "Do you take this as a bargaining chip in advance? What if you lose? I may have to break your hand. "
Luopei Tantan hand way: "Go ahead, come if you have the courage. Don’t be rude, buddy. I’ll tell you frankly that I’m giving you psychological pressure. All is fair in war."
This is Lopez’s old trick to tell the other party that he has absolute confidence before gambling directly.
It’s an open plan
Opponents usually can’t help but feel psychological pressure.
stand many tests
Chapter 9 All is fair in war
Noah’s area staff soon came to area B.
He witnessed the signing of the treaty between Tang Chuan and Lopez.
The treaty is very simple, that is, betting on a fair bet, and Tang Chuan will choose what to gamble.
After signing his name, Lopez watched the workers lose the just treaty backstage.
Then he smiled at Tang Chuan and said, "My buddy used to be called Tianzun. What, haven’t you decided what to bet on?"
Tang Chuan bet on anything in his heart, so he pointed to a game that he felt was more interesting not far away and said, "Let’s compare it with this."
Lopez looked at the project a little surprised. "Are you sure? You don’t seem to have any advantage in this. "
Tang Chuan went straight to the road and said, "Stop stalling. It’s better than this."
Lope nature also can’t go to the front of the huge instrument.
This game instrument is extremely special, and it is also the only game project in the edge of the duel area in area B.
That is to say, participants can witness and bet their lives!
Or … the life of the game character.
The two sides of the huge game machine are connected to the precision game host by two through-cylindrical devices with unknown materials.
This is an integrated cabin!
The game mechanism is amazing and there are many modes to choose from.
On the surface, this is a similar game project in king of fighters.
But participants can choose to integrate themselves into the game and fight their opponents to the death.
You can also integrate yourself into the game machine and turn your control role into a confrontation with the other party!
Lopez came forward and held hands and asked, "How do you want to fight? Do we go in and fight one-on-one or manipulate a derivative role? This game won’t really hurt if you don’t gamble your life. After losing blood, it will naturally hurt and be sent to the cabin. "
Williams Brown
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