-If she gives up the casting method, she can naturally resist the attack of the gods, but then she will be entangled in the gods and never get away.
If she continues to perform the spell, she will be directly killed by the gods.
On making that choice is a dead end.
Gu Qingshan, a flint, shouted, "Keep holding the tactic!"
Luo Bingli’s determination is extremely fast, and his teeth continue to change his hands.
Gu Qingshan looked over the ice glass and looked at the god.
He seems to have a poor sword in his eyes.
Cut the soul really pupil!
In an instant-
Gods disappear from the world and reappear at once.
It’s all at sea about what just happened.
It’s full of alert, stopping and staring at Gu Qingshan half coldly.
But this is exactly what Gu Qingshan expected.
The jade dish in Gu Qingshan’s arms has been completely launched!
Jade disc with a light sound with him disappear from this piece of time and again.
Luo Bingli followed the successful tactic and suddenly released a sharp knife to cut the virtual.
She immediately got into the hole and disappeared.
Chapter seven hundred and fifty-nine Lurking
Gu Qingshan shuttled forward in the gray and cold fog.
Armageddon’s jade dish sends out a form of power and takes him back and forth towards a specific world.
Not far behind Gu Qingshan, a ghost of the times is getting brighter and brighter, almost burning.
At a certain moment, the ghost was so bright that it broke into pieces in the harsh light.
It scattered and disappeared in the fog of the end.
Gu Qingshan bite a tooth force convergence body breath regardless of consumption decorate a heavy hidden circle.
It happened so suddenly.
The gods and ancient monsters joined forces to destroy the ghosting fragments of an entire era.
Fortunately, when Luo Bingli arrived at the key moment, otherwise, even Gu Qingshan was in some danger.
Gu Qingshan recalled the moment before.
Luobingli is unfathomable.
It’s easy to intercept an ant when it wants to delay its performance.
Williams Brown
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