But at the end of the day, they finally reacted. After the beam was irradiated, a large number of huge … spear-like objects appeared in the virtual space.
There are dozens of them, but now they are all covered with black crystals as before.
Lynn thinks … this is really interesting.
Because she has been traveling everywhere, Lin is not just observing. When she sees interesting things, Lin will want to learn to build a similar one.
And this battle will allow Lynn to test all kinds of weapons.
Compared with Lin, these death warships may not be interesting.
Because they are actually in a hurry, they need to take the embers back to start the final work faster.
Of course, even so, they will not attack with force at once, but conduct attack tests with various weapons.
They seem to have become more and more anxious now.
Because Lin noticed that there were 90 death warships left to make a … powerful weapon.
Several broken crystals still fall. Through the cracks in the fragments, you can see that a … black object appeared in the sky.
All the death warships will be their beams together.
The light beams converged to form a huge … sphere, which was originally one kilometer in size, but expanded rapidly at the moment it appeared.
In a short time, it grew to be … bigger than the ball god and all the surrounding bridges.
It is about ten thousand kilometers in size.
All the death warships retreated. They seemed to welcome this object.
Lin also saw the true face of the object when the black light around it dissipated.
This object is Lin Solidification. I have seen that object, the source of all death warships, the pine cone.
When it appeared, Lynn felt that everything around her had changed dramatically
The original falling crystals and bridges suddenly stopped and flew to the pinecones in the sky.
Those bridges that haven’t crystallized have also cracked and scattered stone chips and fragments, but it seems that they don’t know where to go … and they collide constantly.
Gravity seems to have entered a strange state at this moment, and even a huge crack has popped up on the surface.
Rocking buildings around the cracks, some falling, some flying, everything became weird.
But Lin is more interested in the pinecone movement than the surface situation.
It is slowly flying to the ball god.
If you want to get close to it, you will be crushed to pieces by its crushing field, and nothing can be lucky.
Suolin decided to throw some weapons at it first to see what effect it had.
Some missile wells in the bridge can also make these missiles fly through several debris to the target.
Chapter two thousand three hundred and sixty-three Leave
Sure enough, conventional weapons have no effect.
After testing several weapons, Lin found these weapons … and entered the’ crushing field’ after finishing the law.
No matter whether it is hot or anything, it will be squeezed out, and this huge pine cone will never stop moving forward and oppress the world.
Although its crushing field has not officially contacted the bridge of the ball god, the whole ball god feels like it is about to fall apart, and everything on the ground is shaking constantly.
Williams Brown
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